Newsletter 1 2024_0906

I’ve been reading a ton, folklore, labor history, and sex stuff, a little poetry, about Berenice Abbot and NYC back in the days of Deco. Maybe it’s the reading so much that’s exhausting me — all those brain cells, but truthfully, I think it’s because my September allergies have blossomed fully once again for another year.*

I wanted to send you guys something for the weekend, links you might enjoy checking out — to essays, movies, and so on. I’ve been into the art of the essay lately just as I’ve been into revisiting some of the foreign and cult flicks I started watching in my late teens — so many good ones, some with my biggest heartthrob at the time, the Italian actor, Giancarlo Giannini. L-O-V-E-D LOVED him, and some of his steamier sex scenes just about did me in sometimes — talk about desire. I may pop “Swept Away” into the DVD player when I’m done with this, get a little stoned, and just relax and rewatch it since it’s about all I have the energy for at the moment.

And fall approaching has me thinking about them:

In closing, while I do have a couple of new series available, I haven’t been much in the mood for soliciting just yet (see allergies above*); however, if you’re interested in the meantime, let me know and I’ll shoot you an invoice. I’m going away on Sunday otherwise, and won’t be sending invoices until sometime the end of next week or so. If you don’t receive one after I return, and you’d like one, let me know.

Okay, off to somewhere in the Mediterranean to be swept away. Maybe you’ll join me.

Newsletter 2 from 2024_0914

I’m settling down after today’s photo shoot which I think turned out pretty good. When I really put in the effort, they can take a lot out of me. A cup of chai and half a whole-grain sourdough English muffin with PB & honey, I’m feeling sufficiently restored to focus on another note to you guys — two weeks in a row! Not a bad consistency for me. Let’s see if I can manage another one next week. And by the way, before I forget, after rewatching “Swept Away” last week I started thinking to myself, “if any of these guys watch it, hope they don’t start getting ideas about me,” because I was only about 19 the first time I saw it, and may have rewatched it since, but I totally forgot just how abusive thef chauvinism got. There was a lot of stereotyping, generally not okay, but it helps in telling a story about class struggles, sex, and power, and how different it looks when the playing field shifts. At any rate, depending on when we get back from a restaurant on the harbor (tomorrow’s my birthday), I might just have to push for a rewatch of “The Seduction of Mimi,” another Wertmuller-Giannini film.

My latest book of essays is “Appalachian Reckoning” and it’s been excellent so far.

This week’s Intimate Distance newsletter:

Tomorrow, besides being my birthday, is the start of National Hispanic Heritage month, and SPLC has some great literary classics on their list.

A short essay from the author of another book, “The Language of Climate Politics,”

And one I haven’t read yet, but am looking forward to; I love reading anything positive and encouraging, and the headline grabbed me. (And not by the pussy either.)

Now, gotta get ready for a dinner out on the harbor, and eek, I still haven’t managed to get more invoices out today, but they are coming, they’re coming. Promise. I do, I do, I do…