My thoughts have been zinging, pinging, reeling and squealing since Tuesday morning. Monday I focused on Dr. King’s legacy, honoring his work, and that of his wife and family. Tuesday was another story, a lot of doom scrolling, toxic for anyone’s health and wellness. I was nauseous and exhausted by the evening. Wednesday and Thursday I did better (with deliberate effort), listening to audiobooks, reading, baking, socializing IRL via phone calls and in person. Writing’s been tough, so I doodle and draw. Look at art. Make art, since my words have been failing me.
Today I’m off to the beach for a walk. A reset. Returning to the soft animal nature of my body, and the physical world I inhabit, away from the streaming noise of the digital world. It’s chaos out there I know, yes, and I feel for the rest of the world, as well as my own country, but for today I’ll just try to focus on my little patch of sand, walk, and listen to the seagulls squawk.