I thought I’d write about surrender and radical acceptance but when I started looking at how to explain it simply (so that I could understand what the heck I was talking about), it all seemed so complicated.
But I love the concept — I guess it’s really nothing more than surrendering to what is without trying to change it. The irony seems to be that when you surrender, things start to change!!?! Letting go of the control, the ego, the judgment — very difficult to do, but when I have practiced radical acceptance (not often enough), I feel a huge relief. I feel so much freer.
The Irish
Irish saying: “is this a private fight or can anyone join in?”
Calling on My Warrior Goddesses
Here’s another one, a video that is. Yes, it may become a problem watching snippets of life here in a virtual world. Usually, I just read the words but there are times I need the hope and promise of possibilities that children remind me of — so I need the images, the music and the message. When you are struggling, feeling demoralized, confused, overwhelmed, call on your warrior goddesses. And remember, we are okay, we are all right.
Showing up
I rarely watch videos on the laptop, but lately I am drawn to them…and this one with Elizabeth Gilbert is most inspiring.
March Madness
Just deleted most of my etsy shop before realizing that if I wanted to clear it all out, all I had to do was deactivate my listings for a while.
Oh well. Blame it on the weather…or the antibiotics…or March Madness…or bronchitis. Laryngitis. Too much sugar. Boredom. Isolation. Listening to my dog’s too long fingernails scritch scratch scritch across our wood floors as he paces constantly. Since he’s lost his hearing, he cannot be still for long. It’s like he can’t rely on his hearing to alert him to danger in his job as guardian of the homefront. So scritch scratch scritch…he paces, like the night watchman in the dark. Can’t see, can’t hear, but can still feel. Like him, I pace too. But only in my mind.
Today at work my 90 year old client told me she’s ready, she’s tired, she feels her time is near. She said she’s lived a full life, that she’s told her daughter not to be surprised. I found it reassuring to hear, it made me less afraid and more hopeful where death is concerned. When it’s timely — if there is such a thing as a timely death.
Photoblogs of note — when you give a girl a camera
Send Love
I tried posting a comment at Melissa’s blog but couldn’t — my sister Betsy called me yesterday with the news and my heart stopped — please anyone reading this send Melissa, her parents, Tony and Linda, and anyone else in their circle prayers, light, love and all the strength and beauty you can — they need it so badly after their recent loss. Thank you.
Natural Love
It’s very hard for me to pick just one thing, but for bloggy giveaways from folks whose work I admire, I will always attempt a choice —
“tell me one non human thing in the natural world that you love the most and why” (from Resurrection Fern), so here goes:
Trees — because we burn them, chop them down and more yet they never give up…their roots are deep and they will push up new growth wherever they can, even through concrete…their tenacity inspires me when i feel discouraged…
Now go tell her yours here.
Turn up the Volume
So, yay, I can finally turn the speaker on by myself and I actually figured out (on my own!) how to listen to the interview with Andrea over at Jamie Ridler’s site. I think I’ll listen to one every morning til I’ve caught up with them all. People’s voices sound tinier when I listen to them than when I read their words — interesting. But I’m feeling good about this blogging thing now and I think the Andrea interview helped — my creative space — just show up for 15 minutes in the morning with my tea and I will write something, even if it is only another writer’s quote such as this one by Oscar Wilde (a favorite of mine, with his impish Irish wit) — it’s from a book by Jack Gantos called Hole in my Life.
“It is not what one does that is wrong, but what one becomes as a consequence of it.”
Now I’m off to work with the wild, the beautiful and the damned. And one of these days I’m gonna add pictures. Have a glorious Wednesday, World.