
It was a delightful afternoon in February, Groundhog Day actually, heading soon into what would be the third year of the pandemic. Now mind you, the days during the pandemic weren’t normally what one would describe as delightful, perhaps endurable might be more apt. And for many, qualify that “endurable” with “just barely.” Still the morning light promised springtime days ahead, and while by mid-afternoon the day had faded to gray, it was still an enjoyable afternoon, dancing and singing around the house while playing with the dog. Drinking hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows and making countless pots of tea, while watching the snow melt — yes, I can think of worse ways to spend an afternoon, despite the perpetuity of the pandemic. Still, I long for a magic wand to make it all go away, many families are beyond the breaking point, while the privileged few continue to flaunt their “individual sovereignty.”

Author: Dame

an evolving story, wanting to live a slower life right here and now...reconnections, new connections, and now connections are my calls, tea dates and letters preferred over emails...

2 thoughts on “Imbolc”

  1. When u find the wand, be generous with your spells! We need a lot of white magic these days! Very nice classic photo. Takes me back to the 60s when the raciest thing on TV was Jane Russell hawking the “cross your heart bra” over her sweater. Or the “living girdle.” Nostalgia!

  2. Well-put. And if I was to entrust anyone with the job of weaving around a”magic wand” and granting wishes 0f altruism, it definitely would be you.

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